The formal membership and governance for AHC are a work area currently of the AHC. Until these processes are formalized, the Executive Director, Co-chairs, and Board members of AHC (previously National Farmed Animal Health and Welfare Council) provide leadership for the operation of the organization.
AHC Co-chairs:
Dr. Leigh Rosengren - Co-Chair, Canadian Cattle Association
Dr. Keith Lehman, Chief Provincial Veterinarian at Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
AHC Board of Directors:
Dave Taylor - Vice-Chair, Board Member - Dairy Farmers of Canada
Ryder Lee, Canadian Cattle Association
Luce Bélanger, Board Member - Chicken Farmers of Canada
Dr. Henry Ceelen, Canadian Medical Veterinary Association
Gabriela Guigou, Canadian Pork Council
Dr. Nina von Keyserlingk, Animal Welfare Program, University of British Columbia
Jean-Michel Laurin, Dairy Processors Association of Canada
Fred Baker, Canadian Sheep Federation
FPT Governments Advisory Council
Federal Government:
Donald Boucher, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Dr. Mary Jane Ireland, Executive Director of the Animal Health Directorate, Chief Veterinary Officer, OIE Delegate Canada
Provincial/Territorial Governments:
Dr Luc Bergeron, Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation de Quebec
Dr. Nicole Wanamaker, Chief Veterinary Officer for New Brunswick, New Brunswick Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries
Dr. Theresa Burns, Chief Veterinary Officer, Government of British Columbia